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General settings

Last Updated
May 15, 2024

The General tab defines integration properties, such as a custom name, the “trigger” that fires the integration and additional settings that modify the behavior. Please follow our step-by-step guide below or watch our video to find out more.

The following common integration properties are defined in the General settings tab.

Name: Choose a custom name for the integration action. The name must be unique.

Image URL: This is the image of the icon that is associated and displayed with the integration. If this is not defined, a default icon will be added. 

Trigger: This determines when the integration is fired. Available triggers are:

- “On Task Start“ - fired when a runbook task is started. 

- “On Runbook Update“ - fired when the runbook is updated via either the Runbook Details panel or the Pages tab. Alternatively, a runbook-level integration can be fired manually when its Run Integration button is clicked (runbook-level integrations are located in a runbook’s Runbook Integrations side panel).

Visibility: This is the Cutover workspace that the integration is restricted to or you can choose “Global” for general use.

Note: Please note that you cannot change the visibility of an integration action once it has been created. Also, you will need to set up the integration action for every workspace it is required for.

Additional Settings

The following additional settings provide further customisation.

Auto start: The task will automatically start upon the task's predecessor completing, without requiring manual intervention to get it underway. If the trigger is “On Task Start“ then this also means that the integration will fire automatically.

Enable fixed start time: It will be possible to add a fixed start time in a runbook’s editing panel for the task; this means the task can only be started at the day and time that has been set.

Cancelable: When this is selected, it will be possible to cancel a task during its execution.

Notify Webhook on Cancel: On task cancellation, an HTTP request will send an abort/cancel message to the specified URL.

Warning: Aborting an integration prevents any further integration actions from being executed but will not stop any process that the integration has initiated when invoking the third-party API.

Finish task on success: Checking this option means the task will finish when the integration’s status is set to success.

Include context in Request: The outbound payload request will contain information about the runbook and task.

Execute in Rehearsal: Checking this option means the task can be executed when the runbook is in rehearsal mode.